Mary Church Terrell: An Original Oberlin Activist

Leadership in the Aelioian Society

Terrell's membership was made official at the meeting on October 24, 1879, and she was quickly engrossed in society life. The Aelioian Society had a number of officers, some positions with monthly terms, others with annual terms, and a variety of committees.

Terrell gave her first presentation on December 19, 1879.   Her chosen topic was the 'Massacre on St. Bartholomew’s Day,' in which Protestant French Huguenots were slaughtered by mobs of Catholics, reputedly at the behest of Catherine de' Medici, in 1572.  

In her preparatory year alone, she gave an oration, a book review, participated in a discussion, was appointed to the Auditing Committee, and elected Recording Secretary for the month of May. Terrell's beautiful Spencerian script, seen in the minutes issued on May 7, 1880, was emulated in some fashion by subsequent recording secretaries. 

In 1882 Terrell was elected to the year-long position of Historian, and presumably played a role in the publication of the 'Constitution, By-laws, and List of Members' issued in 1883.   She served as Vice-President several times, and in 1883 she was unanimously elected Vice-President and President, Board of Directors.  The minutes of the June 30, 1883 meeting indicate that her election was "affirmed by Aelioian sisters with a Prolonged Applause." 

In her senior year she was elected President, and from February 2 to April 12 Terrell served as Aelioian Society Editor for the student newspaper, the Oberlin Review

By the time of graduation, she had held nearly all of the elected offices in the Society and served on several committees - including Parliamentary Drill - all excellent training for her leadership roles in the woman's club movement during the Progressive Era. 

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